
New game: Blazing Chrome, inspired by Contra and Metal Slug

New game: Blazing Chrome, inspired by Contra and Metal Slug

After some months stealthily working in this piece of tough, tough gameplay we are proudly publicly announcing Blazing Chrome!

Blazing Chrome is a classic co-op run ‘n gun with an original arcade feel. Players can choose between Mavra, the badass human resistance, soldier or Doyle, the groovy rebel robot, to kick some metal ass.

We were mostly inspired by Contra and Metal Slug, but we added our own twist to them.

If you are press and you want to review Blazing Chrome once is out, please request access on our Do.Distribute. If you just want to check our updates, Danilo and JoyMasher twitter are the most frequently updated channels. Our Youtube and Facebook cary more curated posts, mostly once every a couple of weeks.

Posted by Thais in Annoucements, Blazing Chrome, 1 comment
May the hunt begin

May the hunt begin

At the break of dawn today, we released Odallus beta to all Indiegogo backers through Steam. The beta is now available through Steam. This beta has:

  • Multi-language support (only 1 for now, more coming soon!)
  • New in-game dialogs
  • Global leaderboards
  • All levels and bosses complete
  • Various bug fixes
  • There is a final boss now and he is beatable

Cutscenes and more languages are coming on the next updates. Odallus’ complete build is close now and we want to thank all of you for your incredible support!


Posted by Thais in Annoucements, Odallus, 1 comment
Get your sword: Odallus Preorder is here

Get your sword: Odallus Preorder is here

Every year, Evil is free to roam free human’s world during a very particular time, Halloween night. This year, Evil will also roam our PCs with Odallus preorder.

Odallus is $14.99 and by this price player also gets access to the most recent beta build.


Posted by Thais in Annoucements, Games, Odallus, 2 comments
Odallus is backed!

Odallus is backed!

Thanks to all of you, Odallus reached its main goal! The last couple of days gave been truly amazing, thanks to everyone!

But now, HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER and Odallus and reach yet other goals! Help Odallus get even better!

Get the Demo

Steam Greenlight

Posted by Thais in Annoucements, Games, Odallus, 0 comments
Odallus’ stretch goals

Odallus’ stretch goals

Hey everyone! It has been only a little over a week now since we started the campaign and Odallus is already so close of its first goal! Thanks all of you for your support!

During the first design decisions of Odallus there were many features we wanted to add that we though, due time and money limitations, wouldn’t be possible.

This weekend we decided to rethink them and make the calculations required and guess what? They are not completely impossible, they just need an extra push!

So here are some things we would like Odallus to have and if you want them too, let’s make this happen!



Posted by Thais in Annoucements, Games, Odallus, 0 comments

Green Light Bundle

Green Light Bundle has just got out and guess what is in it? Oniken, of course! You can get our delicious 8-bit action platformer and ather awesome games for only $5!

Here it is Green Light Bundle full games list:


Posted by Thais in Annoucements, Games, Oniken, 0 comments
Oniken is out!

Oniken is out!

Oniken is out on Desura! If you haven´t bought yet, you can get it here!

Posted by JM Team in Annoucements, Games, News, Oniken, 0 comments