
Gameplay video of Moonrider

Gameplay video of Moonrider

A little sample of our sideproject Moonrider. As you guys can see our ninja is kicking ass with sound and music by Dominic Ninmark

Posted by Danilo in Games, 0 comments
Amazing Blazing Chrome arts by SozoMaika

Amazing Blazing Chrome arts by SozoMaika

Check out this new cool Blazing Chrome art by SozoMaika!


Posted by Danilo in Blazing Chrome, Games, 0 comments
Blazing Chrome intro cutscene

Blazing Chrome intro cutscene

Hey everyone, we just uploaded Blazing Chrome’s introduction cutscene! Hope you guys enjoy it.

Posted by Danilo in Blazing Chrome, 0 comments
Saturday-morning online play.

Saturday-morning online play.

This morning we have conducted some tests  in online co-op mode. As you guys can see things are going smooth!


Posted by Danilo in Blazing Chrome, 0 comments
New game: Blazing Chrome, inspired by Contra and Metal Slug

New game: Blazing Chrome, inspired by Contra and Metal Slug

After some months stealthily working in this piece of tough, tough gameplay we are proudly publicly announcing Blazing Chrome!

Blazing Chrome is a classic co-op run ‘n gun with an original arcade feel. Players can choose between Mavra, the badass human resistance, soldier or Doyle, the groovy rebel robot, to kick some metal ass.

We were mostly inspired by Contra and Metal Slug, but we added our own twist to them.

If you are press and you want to review Blazing Chrome once is out, please request access on our Do.Distribute. If you just want to check our updates, Danilo and JoyMasher twitter are the most frequently updated channels. Our Youtube and Facebook cary more curated posts, mostly once every a couple of weeks.

Posted by Thais in Annoucements, Blazing Chrome, 1 comment
One year of Odallus celebration!

One year of Odallus celebration!

On July 15th past year, JoyMasher changed forever. After a very difficult two years and a half development cycle, Odallus was done and ready to meet the world. We were looking forward for the release but also a bit concerned. What if there are a lot of bugs we couldn’t find? And if there is a crashing issue we don’t know about? Is it possible the game sucks and we wasted two and a half years of our live and all our love on a shitty game no one will ever care about?

We overcame these fears and released the game, even though there was that voice in the back of our heads saying everything was doomed to fail. Some hours later, we did had some bug complains but there was also something else entirely. Every feedback on steam or nice twit or blog review or twitch streaming, every minute of your live you chose to spend playing Odallus and afterwards commenting about it transformed those fears in a cozy happy felling. We were overwhelmed by the positive reception. And we can only thank each and everyone of you for that. You guys are amazing!

One year later, and here we are! We want to share with you this positive felling you guys gave to us, so you can share it also with people you love. We wouldn’t be here without your love, so take our love in exchange!

Thanks again!

Posted by Thais in Games, Odallus, 1 comment
Steam sale deals

Steam sale deals


Odallus and Oniken are super cheap at Steam!

Posted by Thais in News, Odallus, Oniken, 0 comments
Oniken and Odallus on sale!

Oniken and Odallus on sale!

Main capsule image

If you haven’t bought yet Odallus or Oniken, this is your chance! They are both really cheap on Steam until Sunday. You can buy they separately or together on the JoyMasher starter pack for an extra discount!

Posted by Thais in News, Odallus, Oniken, 0 comments
Odallus is out, Darkness is all around

Odallus is out, Darkness is all around


You have seen this land, you know what one can do in search for power. Not even the gods can stop him now.

Get ready to perish fighting darkness or to embrace it. Get Odallus on:

Get Odallus on GOG!  Get Odallus on Steam! 




Posted by Thais in Games, Odallus, 1 comment