After first encountering evil on his village, Haggis must follow it through the Dark Forest. Before now, Haggis had dared to entered the Dark Forrest few times since this place is know by its not friendly creatures and odd ancient ruins. At the end of the forest there is yet another damned place the old grave yard from the Other Folk.
A pack of fresh screenshots!
Oniken will be on Steam!
Today a new list of GreenLit games was announced by Steam and guess what? Oniken was on it! Thanks everyone who voted for Oniken and soon you will be able to see The Unstoppable on Steam!
Odallus new hotsite
To help you let your friends know about Odallus, we have made a special page! Everything about Odallus is there, from our campaign video to IndieGoGo and Greenlight links. Go check for yourself!
Odallus is backed!
Odallus’ stretch goals
Hey everyone! It has been only a little over a week now since we started the campaign and Odallus is already so close of its first goal! Thanks all of you for your support!
During the first design decisions of Odallus there were many features we wanted to add that we though, due time and money limitations, wouldn’t be possible.
This weekend we decided to rethink them and make the calculations required and guess what? They are not completely impossible, they just need an extra push!
So here are some things we would like Odallus to have and if you want them too, let’s make this happen!
Odallus on Indiegogo!
Odallus art sneak peek
Dive in with Haggis
Haggis can explore deep underwater caves but not without magic help! Use the Siren Scale to dive really deep and meet the odd abyssal critters.
Meet Haggis
On a distant village amidst green fields and rocky mountains, a man returns from a hunt. This is no ordinary man but a warrior who could no longer wield his sword due the weight of so many souls.
This man is Haggis, the main character in Odallus. Although he yet cannot see it, as he approaches his home village he can sense something is off.