Well, not just yet, but we can get there with your help! Vote for Oniken on Greenlight to help us achieve that!
Oniken v1.6
Hey everyone! Oniken version 1.6 is out!
We like to share some information about this version:
*Mission 4-3 Boss had some modifications.
Fixed issues with 6-1 Boss.
Added a Demo Theater in Options menu.
**Added a multilanguage system.
*After watching lots of players having issues with mission 4-3 boss, we decided to make this change.
This modification will make impossible to fall of the screen, which resulted in a one hit kill. However, players can still be punished for falling down the platform. We hope that improve the balancing in Mission 4 and make Oniken a more enjoyable game for those who felt frustrated with this specific part of the game.
**With multilanguage system, all cut scenes can be translated to any language that supports the roman alphabetic and it is very simple to make your own translation. You just have to get the original English script (it will be inside the DATA/Languages folder) and translate the text in your own language. After this you just have to select it in the launcher and there you go, all cut scenes will be in the selected language!
Version 1.6 features Portuguese script made by Marco Galvão and Spanish script made by Horacio Corral.
Giveaway winners!
Get a July Jubilee Indie Royale Bundle!
Of course you want to play all these awesome indie games and most likely already got your bundle, but probably you have that silly friend of yours that always forget to get thing on time.
Fortunately for you and your friend, we are giving three bundles away! That´s right, you can get these all these cool games for free!
All you have to do to have a chance to win is to tweet our contest message and follow @JoyMasher on twitter! Our contest twit is:
Want an Indie Royale July Jubilee bundle? RT and follow @JoyMasher for a chance to get one! #OnikenGiveAway http://tinyurl.com/bm3gj2o
But don’t take too long, winners will be randomly picked at Friday 10PM PST (14h Brasilia time, 17:00 UTC/GMT)!!
Third most popular game on Desura!
Oniken is live for only some hour now and we are already the third most popular game on Desura! Thank you, guys, for enjoying our game! You are awesome! And don’t forget to get your own Oniken copy!
Oniken is out!
Boy, this is being a crazy week! But between all this mess, we are really happy to bring MRC6-454 to you! MRC6-454 is a space themed game, focused on exploration and action, that we made in only four days. As we use some Oniken code on it, it is a short game and we really liked the result, we decided to release it free, for every one who loves games!
There is more info about MRC6-454 here and you can download it here.
And don´t forget about Oniken, that will be launched this friday!!